Connie's Backstory


In loving memory of
Connie Edith Myres

My pregnancy with Connie was textbook. No issues, everything was perfect. Connie was our second child. A sister to our little boy Seth. So being through a healthy pregnancy before reassured me that there were no issues.

At 40+ 4 days I was given my second sweep. During this appointment I explained to my midwife that my movements had changed slightly and they weren't as frequent as they had previously been. My midwife referred me straight into our local hospital for some observations.

I was monitored for less than an hour and they reassured me that everything was fine. I was discharged shortly afterwards without any further monitoring put into place.

Waking up the next day, I felt different. There were no movements and I just knew something wasn't right. I called the hospital and they asked me to come straight away.

As Covid restrictions were still in place, my husband Tom wasn't allowed in whilst I waited for a midwife to check me. She placed the doppler on my tummy, it must have been just a few seconds that went by, but it felt like minutes. I could see the change in her body language as she struggled to find a heart beat. She then explained that they needed to put me in a side room and that she will call Tom in from the corridor.

Our worst nightmare was beginning to unfold, I kept thinking surely this couldn't be happening and that there must be a mistake. My baby was perfectly fine when they checked her not much more than 12 hours ago.

Another midwife checked me again, then came the Junior Doctor and finally the Consultant, who eventually confirmed that our beautiful little baby had passed away. Nothing can prepare you for these devasting words and the whole world came crashing down on us.

Whilst we both broke down crying in each others arms, medical staff came in and out of the room taking various tests and blood samples.

We were then taken to the private butterfly suite whilst we tried to make sense of what was happening. We had to call our close family who were waiting in anticipation with our little boy. We found it impossible to get the words out, instead just sobbing down the phone.

Just a few hours later I was induced and later that evening at 22:55, Connie was born weighing a perfect 8lb 9oz. We hadn't found out the sex of the baby during the pregnancy and would have felt blessed to have either a healthy boy or girl. But when were told that Connie was a girl, it was an even bigger heartache to know that our beautiful baby girl Connie completed our family.

We love and miss you so so much Connie!!

Keep shining bright beautiful girl.

I carried you for the whole of your life and I'll love you for the rest of mine.

Love Mummy & Daddy xx