Daisy's Backstory
In loving memory of
Daisy Holmes-McClure
Daisy Holmes-McClure

In October 2013 I had a MRI scan as I had been struggling with severe back pain, the scan showed up a growth in my uterus. I was left wondering if it was cancer for 2 weeks whilst I waited to see a gynaecologist. My friend came with me to the appointment where I was thankfully told that it wasn't cancer but a sizeable fibroid, but that I needed ''to go away and have 2 children'', then she would perform a hysterectomy. I had only been with Dave since February so that then made for quite a huge conversation, Dave and Ellie moved in with me the following February.
I found out I was pregnant with Daisy on 4th May following a holiday to Qatar and despite horrendous morning sickness everything was going really well, Ellie was so pleased she was going to be a big sister but it was a time of huge adjustment for her. My sister Steph and her daughters came back from Qatar towards the end of June for their summer holidays. Shortly after they arrived on the early hours of July 7th I had to have my dog Frodo put to sleep because he was having heart and lung issues. My sister came with me but that's when her worry about my health and pregnancy started.
Within a couple of weeks I was in quite a lot of pain and after seeing the out of hours GP I was referred to hospital for suspected gall stones. I couldn't sit down I was on all fours in hospital crying. Eventually they decided that the fibroid was degenerating so I was on the gynaecology ward because I was under 16 weeks pregnant. I hit 16 weeks whilst in and they didn't move me they wanted to keep me but then discharged me on Thursday 31st July. I felt awful so rested at home and my parents had just come back from France my Dad heading back to Qatar, he told me to stay safe and hold on in there with my baby before he left.
Around 9pm on Friday 1st August I turned over in bed and my waters went, I shouted my Mum and Dave. Dave rushed me to the hospital and I was put in The Abbey Suite. I couldn't sleep at all and stayed up all night waiting for the inevitable to happen the next morning I was scanned and although baby was alive and well despite no waters, it would be very unlikely that I could make it to a viable term of gestation. I was told to prepare myself that at 17 weeks a baby can be born with a heartbeat but they can't intervene.
I sent Dave home as my oldest best friend Rachel had come so he could go get showered and grab some bits. Whilst he was gone I delivered Daisy whilst chatting to Rachel who was gobsmacked and said there was no way I had but I had Daisy was born at 1113hrs on Saturday August 2nd, 2014.
After that followed many complications as I failed to deliver the placenta and started haemorrhaging. I spoke to Dave on the phone and pretended that everything was ok but when he arrived I was in the corridor on a bed getting rushed to theatre to save my life. I spent a couple of days in ICU and got to spend time with Daisy before getting discharged on 6th August carrying a memory box and teddy rather than a car seat with our newborn in, like everyone else and I still looked pregnant!
Daisy’s funeral took place on 1st September (which coincidentally is the launch day of Daisy The Sloth), seeing that tiny coffin was awful but we were surrounded by some very close friends and family.
I was still very ill for a long time after this and haemorrhaged again whilst having a family meal to celebrate my Dad's retirement, This time I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital, the paramedics had never seen anything like it and I was told I was very lucky to have made it and I had to have 3 blood transfusions.
In 2015 I had my surgery to remove my fibroid, which was a great relief as it brought an end to people stopping me and asking when the baby was due. The fibroid was the size of a watermelon so I had looked heavily pregnant from losing Daisy until the operation was performed at the end of March.
We got married in December 2015 and tried again for a baby, we thought surely we couldn’t lose another but unfortunately we lost that baby at 11 weeks too. We have been blessed since with Dotty now aged 3 and Harrison 10 months, but Daisy has still left a hole in our hearts. One day Daisy we will see you again and get to hold you in our arms rather than our hearts, you will always be remembered by us all.
Love you loads angel, from Mummy, Daddy, Ellie, Dotty and Harrison xxxxx