Ivy's Backstory
In loving memory of
Ivy Redgrave
Ivy Redgrave

Despite being nervous, my pregnancy was a relatively normal one. At the 20 week scan we were told everything was perfect and we sighed relief, truly believing we were out of “the danger zone” and really getting excited for what was to come. For me, the best feeling were those little kicks at night. I’d rub my tummy and talk to my unborn baby, making plans and promises for our future.
At just under 24 weeks I felt movements had reduced and although I tried to convince myself I was over-thinking it, a sinking feeling told me I needed to get checked out. The words “I’m sorry there is no heartbeat” will haunt me forever.
At just under 24 weeks I felt movements had reduced and although I tried to convince myself I was over-thinking it, a sinking feeling told me I needed to get checked out. The words “I’m sorry there is no heartbeat” will haunt me forever.
After a 30 hour induced labour, our precious angel was born on 19th October 2018; a girl we named Ivy. The moment she was placed in my arms changed my life forever. I was a mummy to the most beautiful, perfect, doll-like baby girl. She had daddy’s features; his nose and lips and long fingers. We were in awe. We kissed her cheeks and held her hand and told her that we would love her forever as we said our goodbyes.
Leaving the hospital with empty arms was devastating and the days and weeks that followed were a whirlwind of emotions and at times we thought we would never find happiness again. The anxiety and uncertainty that babyloss brings is indescribable. Yet, we wouldn’t change our little Ivy for anything.
Leaving the hospital with empty arms was devastating and the days and weeks that followed were a whirlwind of emotions and at times we thought we would never find happiness again. The anxiety and uncertainty that babyloss brings is indescribable. Yet, we wouldn’t change our little Ivy for anything.
Over time we have grown stronger without our first born earthside - she may not be physically with us but her presence is forever felt. Her little sister was born a year later with those exact features and she reminds us everyday of our darling Ivy who we believe is somewhere looking over us all.
We love you always. Mummy and Daddy xxx