Reeva The Koala
In loving memory of
Reeva Aribella Tilly Dolson
28.11.21 - 01.12.21

My pregnancy with Reeva was textbook. No issues, everything was perfect. Reeva was our second child. A sister to My little boy Chace. So being through a healthy pregnancy before naïvely reassured me that there were no issues.
At 36 weeks while I was at work I felt very different, odd almost. I remember thinking I could possibly go in to labour very soon.
Sunday came, I was 36 weeks +2 still feeling off I carried on with my day. Early evening came and Reeva’s movement just weren’t right and my gut feeling told me I needed to go to the hospital.
When I arrived I was put in a waiting room on my own. Because covid restrictions were still in place, My partner wasn’t allowed in. I waited in that room on my own for 48 minutes. Worrying and knowing something wasn’t right.
Eventually when I was put on a monitor it soon became apparent that things weren’t right. I was told to phone my partner and get ready for an emergency Caesarean.
The room became very busy with Doctors and Midwives coming and going getting everything ready. I went down to theatre very soon after.
Reeva was born at 11:10pm the room was silent, no baby crying no nothing. ‘Just’ a button was hit and at that every man and his dog came rushing in. As I was been moved off the theatre bed I managed to get a small glimpse of her. Lay there with doctors and nurses etc all working on her small very pale body. They call babies like Reeva a ‘ghost baby’ because she was born so pale.
6 hours past and we still hadn’t seen our daughter not even a photo. We had just been told our baby was very sick and was going to be transferred to another hospital if she made it.
Eventually after a battle we got to see our daughter in neonatal. It was a shock seeing our daughter lay there with so many machines and wires all over her.
She was eventually transferred to New Cross Hospital Wolverhampton. During this time the amazing staff cared for her and us. Explaining every single part of Reeva’s care.
Reeva was a mystery for the medical staff. She was born with less than half her blood in her body but they couldn’t workout why. She wasn’t a small baby she was a big girl! Weighing 7lb 2.8oz for a prem baby that’s big!
But our worst nightmare happed. We were took to a room where her doctors had to have the worst conversation imaginable. We were told there was nothing else left they can do and the likely hood of Reeva getting better was very slim and what would we want to do.
As a parent this is unimaginable to make a decision to try and save her life if she goes in to cardiac failure. So we made the decision to give it to Reeva. If Reeva wanted to battle on like she had, we would be right by her side but if she didn’t want to fight anymore that was okay.
Reeva passed away later that day in my arms surrounded by her family.
It turns out after the coroners inquest that Reeva had an AVM, it’s basically a strawberry birth mark but she had one on her brain. This ruptured, causing a bleed on the brain. Most people die instantly when this happens but our little fighter battled for 3 days, giving us 3 days of precious memories.
Mommy, Daddy and your big brother Chace love you forever, this isn’t good bye, just simply see you later xx